lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2012

present simple versus present continuous

Presente Simple vs. Presente Continuo
· El presente simple se utiliza para hablar de cosas que ocurren habitualmente o en
- James studies German at university.
- My parents live in the south
- Jane works in Italy every summer.
- My friends have a car.
- Water boils at 100 Celsius degrees.
- Sharks are dangerous animals.
· El presente continuo, en cambio, se utiliza para hablar de cosas que están ocurriendo
en el momento en el que se habla:
- Mary is playing the guitar now.
- Take an umbrella. It´s raining.
- Let´s go to the park! The sun is shinning.
- They are working in the garage at the moment.
I´m playing the guitar
pasado ahora futuro
Las oraciones en presente continuo a menudo van acompañadas de expresiones que
indican que la acción se está realizando en ese momento:
Now right now at the moment at present
·  Existen verbos que sólo pueden utilizarse en presente simple:
like depend remember believe
dislike know forget prefer
love mean

A) Signal words in sentences

1) Which sentence is correct?
Every day the boy is making a snowball.
Look! The boy is making a snowball.

2) Which sentence is correct?
Every afternoon Mum makes a cup of tea.
Listen! Mum makes a cup of tea.
A) Fill in the verbs in the Simple Present or the Present Progressive.

1) I usually
as a teacher in Germany, but this summer I as a language assistant in Rome. (to work)

2) My history teacher too much. (to talk)

B) Which sentences are correct?

1) Which sentence is correct?
I am thinking we should go.
I think we should go.

2) Which sentence is correct?
I am tasting the soup.
The soup tastes good.

C) Which actions - which tenses?

1) Which of the following actions is in the Simple Present?
fixed arrangement in the future
result of an action in the past is important in the present
things in general

2) Which of the following actions is in the Simple Present?
action finished in the past
action happening at the moment of speaking
repeated actions

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