lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2012

Verb tenses activities

1. Put the correct forms of the verbs into the gaps. Use the Simple Present in the statements.
Example: We _____ her name. (to shout)
Answer: We shout her name.
1) I ………………….a good mark. (to get)
2) Rita ………………….an exercise. (to do)
3) We ………………….the table. (to lay)

2. Complete the sentences like in the example. Use the long form of the auxiliary.
Example: Jane ___________ a book. (not/to read)
Answer: Jane does not read a book.
1) We …………..handball at school. (not/to play)
2) Laura ………………her room. (not/to clean)
3) Mark ………………..his homework. (not/to do)

3. Put in the correct verb forms and the nouns into the gaps. Use Simple Present.
Example: _____________ their friends?
(they/to phone)
Answer: Do they phone their friends?
1) …………………… school? (you/to walk)
2) ……………..a banana in the morning? (Ronda/to eat)
3) ………………………..parrots? (your father/to like)

4. Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use the Simple Present. Watch the punctuation and form sentences or questions.
Example: ____ she ____ books? (to read)
Answer: Does she read books?
1) They ……………………hockey at school. (to play)
2) She ………………………..e-mails. (not/to write)
3) …………… …………..English? (to speak)

5) Leroy ………….very fast. (can/not/to read)
5. Put in the verb in brackets into the gap and form negative sentences. Use long form of the auxiliary.
Example: Maria __________ magazines. (not/to read)
Answer: Maria is not reading magazines.
1) The children …………….questions. (not/to ask)
2) Nick ………………to the gym. (not/to go)
3) I …………….the door. (not/to open)
6. Put in the verb in brackets into the gaps and form affirmative sentences. Use the long form of the auxiliary.
Example: Jane __________ home from work.
(to come)
Answer: Jane is coming home from work.
1) He ………………in the lake. (to swim)
2) Andrew and Colin ………………muffins. (to make)
3) Simon …………………a letter. (to write)
7. Put in the correct verb forms and the nouns into the gaps. Use Present Progressive.
Example: ___________ the newspaper?
Answer: Is he eading the newspaper?
1) ………………………….in the lake? (Lisa/to swim)
2) …………………………your brother? (you/to help)
3) ………………………..a museum? (he/to visit)
8. Use the verbs in brackets in the Simple Present or in the Present Progressive. Watch the types of sentences (affirmative statements, negations or questions).
Example: __ Chris _______ for his brother now? (to wait)
Answer: Is Chris waiting for his brother now?
1) Look! This lady …………………a hamburger. (not/to eat)
2) Our cat seldom …………………..on the sofa. (to lie)
3) ………..they …………text messages at the moment? (to send)
4) I ………………supermarkets, but my father doesn't. (to like)
5) What ……….the man …………in our garden? (to do)
6) We ……………………the bus to school. (not/to take)
7) Where ………….you ………..from? (to come)
8) …………your girlfriend always ……………green T-shirts? (to wear)
9) I ………………..a cup of tea now. (to have)
10) ………..the boy ………… the pool right now? (to swim)
9. Put the correct forms of the verbs into the gaps. Use the Simple Past in the statements.
Example: She ______ her mother in the kitchen. (to help)
Answer: She helped her mother in the kitchen.
1) They ……………..something to drink. (to order)
2) Last summer I …………… Stuttgart. (to go)
3) She …………….her homework in the afternoon. (to do)

10. Negate the first sentence in each task. Write the negative verb forms (sometimes with a preposition) from the first sentences into the gaps. You can use long or short (contracted) forms of the auxiliaries.
Example: Frank turned on the radio. – Frank ______________ the radio.
Answer: Frank turned on the radio. – Frank did not turn on the radio. Or Frank didn’t turn on the radio.
1) Peter woke up at seven. – Peter …………………………….at seven.
2) The children ran home. – The children …………………………..home.
3) I forgot to take the book with me. – I ………………………to take the book with me.

11. Put in the correct verb forms and the nouns into the gaps. Use Simple Past.
Example: ____________ their friends?
(they/to meet)
Answer: Did they meet their friends?
1) ………………………….after the cat? (the dog/to run)
2) …………………….photos when you were on holiday? (you/to take)
12. Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Watch the punctuation and form sentences or questions.
Example: The children ______ their sandwiches. (to forget)
Answer: The children forgot their sandwiches on Monday.
1) When ……………………you in London? (to be)
2) We ……………………in a flat when we were in Paris. (not/to live)
3) What ……….you …………yesterday? (to lose)
13. Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps and form affirmative sentences.
Example: Eddie __________ a comic. (to read)
Answer: Eddie was reading a comic.
1) I ……………………to my friend. (to talk)
2) He ……………………….the beds. (to make)
3) The boys ……………………the parrots. (to feed)

14. Put in the verbs in brackets into the gap and form negative sentences. You can use long or short (contracted) forms of the auxiliary.
Example: Maggie _____________ volleyball. (not/to play)
Answer: Maggie was not playing volleyball. or Maggie wasn't playing volleyball.
1) Julia ……………………tea. (not/to drink)
2) They ………………….the Internet. (not/to surf)
3) My brother ……………………….yesterday. (not/to sail)

15. Put in the correct verb forms and the nouns into the gaps. Use the Past Progressive. Mind verb and noun/pronoun in brackets.
Example: ______________ a book? (she/to read)
Answer: Was she reading a book?
1) ……………………………the museum? (she/to visit)
2) ……………………………with a pencil? (you/to write)
3) ………………………………….comics? (the boys/to read)

16. Put in the verbs in brackets in the Simple Past or the Past Progressive into the gaps.
Example: I ________ my keys while I ________ to school. (to lose) (to walk)
Answer: I lost my keys while I was walking to school.
1) While I…………….., the school bus………………. (to text) (to arrive)
2) Cindy …………………her leg while she……………... (to break) (to snowboard)
3) He …………… the radio while he ……………..breakfast. (to listen) (to prepare)
4) My father …………….at 70 km/h when a policeman …………..him. (to drive) (to stop)
5) The girl ……………that the boy ……………………her. (to notice) (to watch)
6) My dad …………..the ladder while he ………………the carport. (to fall off) (to paint)
7) While we…………….., we …………..crossword puzzles. (to wait) (to do)
8) Nick ………………sick while he …………… Texas. (to become) (to travel)
9) What ……………….when you ……………about 9/11? (to do) (to hear)
10) She said that she ………………happy, so I ……………….to her. (not/to feel) (to talk)

17. Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use Present Perfect.
Example: I _____________ my father's car.
(to wash)
Answer: I have washed my father's car.
1) Karen ……………………….me an e-mail. (to send)
2) Dave and Pat …………………the museum. (to visit)
3) I ………………………at the pet shop. (to be)
18. Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps and form negative sentences in the Present Perfect.
Example: He ______________ to music. (not/to listen)
Answer: He has not listened to music. or He hasn't listened to music. or He's not listened to music.
1) Our class ………………………….the test yet. (not/to write)
2) Tim and Joe ………………………..a box. (not/to carry)
3) It ……………………………… snow. (not/to start)
19. Put in the correct verb forms into the gaps. Use the Present Perfect.
Example: ___ she _____ the car?
(to clean)
Answer: Has she cleaned the car?
1) ………….you ……………….the kitchen door? (to paint)
2) ……………your brother ……………the shopping? (to do)
3) ………..Julian ever …………….a spider? (to touch)
20. Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use the Present Perfect. Watch the punctuation and form sentences or questions.
Example: ____ you ______ the car yet? (to clean)
Answer: Have you cleaned the car yet?
1) Emma …………………….this film on TV. (not/to see)
2) How often …………….she ……………..the office? (to phone)
3) ………………..the Millers …………………yet? (to arrive)
Simple Past or Present Perfect – Exercise 21. Choose the correct words or phrases.
1) Peter …………………………football yesterday. (To play)
2) They ……………………….the car. It looks new again. (To clean)
3) Last year we………………….. to Italy. (To go)
4) John and Peggy……………… the book. Now they can watch the film.
(To just read)
5) I ………………… friend two days ago. (To meet)
6) We……………………….. another country before. (To never visit)
7) She ……………………a new car in 2005. (To buy)
8) I'm sorry, but I…………………. my homework. (To forget)
9) ……………………….the game of chess?(To win)
10) The girls ……………………..their lunch yet. (To eat)
22. Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps and form sentences in the Past Perfect. Use contracted forms only when there are personal pronouns.
Example: Before Steven did his homework he _____________ at the library. (to study)
Answer: Before Steven did his homework he had studied at the library.
1) She ………………………in Sweden before she went to Norway. (to live)
2) After we ………………………..the cornflakes, Henry came in. (to eat)
3) Before Ken ran to Kerry's house, he …………………him. (to phone)

23. Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Mind the negations.
Example: Richard realized that he ______________ his passport with him. (not/to take)
Answer: Richard realized that he had not taken his passport with him.
1) The driver …………………….at the traffic lights, so the police car chased him. (not/to stop)
2) The budgie flew away because Jim ……………………the window. (not/to close)
3) When we came home, Frank ………………………the ceiling yet. (not/to paint)
24. Put in the words in brackets into the gaps. Use the verbs in the Past Perfect.
Example: _____________________ the summary by the time it was due? (Gerry/to hand in)
Answer: Had Gerry handed in the summary by the time it was due?
1) ……………………..the instructions before they switched on the mobile phone? (they/to read)
2) ………………………….the new words before she texted her friend? (the girl/to learn)
3) …………………………..the office before they drove away? (they/to ring)
25. Put the words in brackets into the gaps. Use the verbs in the Past Perfect.
Example: Alex couldn't go for a walk because he ______________ his leg. (to break)
Answer: Alex couldn't go for a walk because he had broken his leg.
1) When I arrived at the restaurant, Victoria …………………….a glass of water. (already/to order)
2) He noticed that Peter ……………………….the old chair. (not/to paint)
10) …………………………………………………..his hamster before he left his house? (Jack/to feed)
26. Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps in the correct tense Past Perfect or Simple Past.
Example: Pat _________ (to live) in London before he _________ (to move) to Rome.
Answer: Pat had lived in London before he moved to Rome.
1) After Fred …………...(to spend) his holiday in Italy he ……………(to want) to learn Italian.
2) Jill ………………..(to phone) Dad at work before she ……………(to leave) for her trip.
3) Susan ………………..(to turn on) the radio after she …………….(to wash) the dishes.
4) When she …………..(to arrive) the match ……………already …………..(to start).
5) After the man …………….(to come) home he …………………(to feed) the cat.
6) Before he …………..(to sing) a song he ……………………….(to play) the guitar.
7) She ………………..(to watch) a video after the children …………………….(to go) to bed.
8) After Eric ……………..(to make) breakfast he ……………….(to phone) his friend.
9) I ……………..(to be) very tired because I ……………………….(to study) too much.
10) They ……………..(to ride) their bikes before they …………………..(to meet) their friends.

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